(Feature Influence)
ALE captures the influence of a specific feature value on the model’s prediction by quantifying the average (accumulated) difference between the predictions at the boundaries of a (small) fixed interval around the selected feature value (Apley and Zhu 2020). It is calculated by replacing the value of the explained feature with the interval boundaries for instances found in the designated data set whose value of this feature is within the specified range.
It communicates global (with respect to the entire explained model) feature influence.
ALE is an evolved version of (relaxed) Marginal Effect (ME) (Apley and Zhu 2020) that is less prone to being affected by feature correlation since it relies upon average prediction change. It also improves upon Partial Dependence (PD) (Friedman 2001) by ensuring that the influence estimates are based on realistic instances (thus respecting interactions between features / feature correlation), making the explanatory insights more truthful.
Property | Accumulated Local Effect |
relation | post-hoc |
compatibility | model-agnostic |
modelling | regression and probabilistic classification (numbers) |
scope | global (per data set; generalises to cohort) |
target | model (set of predictions) |
Property | Accumulated Local Effect |
data | tabular |
features | numerical (ordinal categorical) |
explanation | feature influence (visualisation) |
caveats | feature binning |
Select a feature to explain
Select the explanation target
Select a collection of instances to generate the explanation
Define binning of the explained (numerical) feature
Depending on the binning strategy, the number of instances per bin may be distributed unevenly. A histogram representing the number of instances in each bin can help in interpreting the explanation.
\[ X_{\mathit{ALE}} \subseteq \mathcal{X} \]
\[ V_i = \{ x_i : x \in X_{\mathit{ALE}} \} \]
\[ \mathit{ALE}_i = \int_{v_{0}}^{x_i} \mathbb{E}_{X_{\setminus i} | X_{i}=x_i} \left[ f^i \left( X_{\setminus i} , X_{i} \right) | X_{i}=v_i \right] \; d v_i - \mathit{const} \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;= \int_{v_{0}}^{x_i} \left ( \int_{X_{\setminus i}} f^i \left( X_{\setminus i} , v_i \right) \; d \mathbb{P} ( X_{\setminus i} | X_i = v_i ) \right ) \; d v_i - \mathit{const} \]
\[ f^i (x_{\setminus i}, x_i) = \frac{\partial f (x_{\setminus i}, x_i)}{\partial x_i} \]
Based on the ICE notation (Goldstein et al. 2015)
\[ \hat{f}_S = \int_{z_{0, S}}^{x_S} \mathbb{E}_{X_{C} | X_S = x_S} \left[ \hat{f}^{S} \left( X_{S} , X_{C} \right) | X_S = z_S \right] \; d z_{S} - \mathit{const} \\ \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;= \int_{z_{0, S}}^{x_S} \left ( \int_{X_C} \hat{f}^{S} \left( z_{S} , X_{C} \right) \; d \mathbb{P} ( X_{C} | X_S = z_S ) \right ) \; d z_{S} - \mathit{const} \]
\[ \hat{f}^{S} (x_s, x_c) = \frac{\partial \hat{f} (x_S, x_C)}{\partial x_S} \]
\[ \mathit{ALE}_i^{j} \approx \sum_{n=1}^{j} \frac{1}{|Z_n|} \sum_{x \in Z_n} \left[ f \left( x_{\setminus i} , x_i=Z_n^+ \right) - f \left( x_{\setminus i} , x_i=Z_n^- \right) \right] \]
\[ \overline{\mathit{ALE}_i^{j}} = \mathit{ALE}_i^{j} - \frac{1}{\sum_{Z_n \in Z} |Z_n|} \sum_{x \in Z} \mathit{ALE}_i(x) \]
Given the need for binning, various approaches such as:
- quantile,
- equal-width or
- custom.
can be used.
(Examples to follow.)
ALE of a single feature captures only the effect of this particular feature on the explained model’s predictive behaviour – known as first-order effect. ALE of multiple features capture the exclusive effect of the interaction between n features on the explained model’s predictive behaviour (adjusted for the overall effect as well as the main effect of each feature) – known as nth-order effect, e.g., second-order effect.
(Examples to follow.)
Refer to Apley and Zhu (2020) for the formulation.
\[ \underbrace{ \overbrace{(n - m)}^{\text{feature #1}} - \overbrace{(b - a)}^{\text{feature #1}} }_{\text{feature #2}} \]
ALE and Linear Model Coefficients
See Grömping (2020) for an explanation why ALE may not reflect the coefficients of a linear model.
Easy and fast to generate
Reasonably easy to interpret (first-order ALE)
Reliable when features are correlated (unbiased)
Based on data that are closely distributed to the real data
Not so easy to implement
Tricky to interpret for orders higher than first
Limited to explaining two feature at a time
ALE trends should not be generalised to individual instances across the feature range since the estimates are specific to each bin
Binning may skew the results (aided by displaying distribution of instances per bin); e.g.,
ME captures the average response of a predictive model across a collection of instances (taken from a designated data set) for a specific value of a selected feature (found in the aforementioned data set) (Apley and Zhu 2020). When relaxed by including similar feature values determined by a fixed interval around the selected value, this method offers similar insights to ALE: average prediction per interval instead of (accumulated) difference in prediction per interval.
It communicates the influence of a specific feature value on the model’s prediction by fixing the value of this feature across a designated range for a selected data point (Goldstein et al. 2015). It is an instance-focused (local) “variant” of Partial Dependence.
It communicates the average influence of a specific feature value on the model’s prediction by fixing the value of this feature across a designated range for a set of instances. It is a model-focused (global) “variant” of Individual Conditional Expectation, which is calculated by averaging ICE across a collection of data points (Friedman 2001).
Python | R |
ALEPython | ALEPlot |
alibi | DALEX |
iml |